Learning to balance and live on a budget can be difficult for students. This may be the first time you are paying your own bills, managing credit cards and/or balancing a check book. To help you learn to manage money effectively, click on the resources below.
Website features tips to help students and their families make informed financial decisions. Also includes a link to Cash Course an online budgeting and future planning tool.
Housed in the College of Business, CAFE provides research-based financial literacy services and support to students at OSU and to communities across the state through workshops, self-study modules, coursework and one-on-one advising.
Provides information about tuition billing dates, how to pay bills, emergency loans, tuition refund information and more.
Gives new full-time students a better idea of what their “estimated” educational cost will be.
Provides assistance with applying for, reviewing and receiving OSU financial aid packages.
This website maintained by the US Department of Education provides information on how to apply for various federal scholarships, grants and loans.
Find information on scholarships including those specific to students' academic standing and other categories.
Operated by the OSU Office of Human Resources, this site provides a list of on-campus jobs available for students as well as information and tips to help you get hired.
Within a supportive community environment, provides direct service and referral services to OSU students experiencing hunger, poverty and housing insecurity. You can find help accessing housing, health insurance, food, textbooks and child care options.